
BCSFA was founded in January 1970. Been around a long time.

Currently a loose social group for veterans of BCSFA, the VCON conventions, and WCSFA (West Coast SF Association, the registered society which oversees VCON, our annual SF&F convention which has been running off and on since 1971.) Technically, BCSFA is now the social activity branch of WCSFA and BCSFAzine is now the Newsletter of WCSFA.

This site has been created to:

a) Distribute  BCSFAzine in order to promote WCSFA and entertain fans everywhere.

( BCSFAzine was on hiatus. March 2023 Issue #551 is the first in a renewed, revived monthly newletter publication program.) 

b) Arrange monthly get-togethers once Covid is gone, probably in the form of dinner meetings at restaurants.

( Beginning to stir. Monthly lunch meetups in food court malls happening. ) 

c) Support future VCON conventions to the best of our ability.

( Remains to be seen if the convention can be revived. As yet not enough financial or volunteer support. )

d) Carry out other projects to promote SF&F in the Vancouver Lower Mainland and possibly elsewhere in B.C. depending on the whim and will of members as they see fit.

( This according to our mandate to promote SF&F. We haven’t done anything in a long time. All practical proposals under consideration. )

I maintain a BCSFA Facebook page which, among other things, contains albums of photographs re: past BCSFA events and VCONS. But it could also serve as a forum for discussing reviving BCSFA.

Check it out at:  British Columbia Science Fiction Association | Facebook

— R. Graeme Cameron

BCSFAzine #533 (May 2023 issue) now available for free download.

Go to Current/Back Issues BCSFAzine, click on section E which is devoted to the most recent issues (edited by R. Graeme Cameron) and scroll down to appropriate link.

Issue #533 contains articles on the Lifecycle of SF Clubs, VCON 3, status of WCSFA in 1998, List of Canadian SF conventions from 1948 to 2008, the Cosmic Clod Claude Degler, the Great Fannish Ghod Ghu, reviews of Rawhead Rex and Firehead movies, assorted info, and Cuff Progress report #1.

A VCON is a VCON is a VCON

The VCON Trademark is secure. It is once again owned by the British Columbia Science Fiction Association. It was purchased on behalf of BCSFA by its Chair, Moss Whelan.

Moss felt that doing so in the name of BCSFA is justified for at least two reasons: a) The continuity with the past rendered the application more credible, and b) he is not a member of the WCSFA board and therefore has no right to purchase the trademark on their behalf, besides which it had been stated by WCSFA that recovering the Trademark VCON “was a low priority right now.”

Moss believes that a commercial entity acquiring the VCON Trademark would have been inconvenient, to put it mildly, and so felt compelled to submit an application. The precedent for an individual taking out the Trademark on behalf of BCSFA was first established by Mike Bailey, the original owner, back in the 1970s. Nothing new.

However, to be clear, the current owner is not Moss, but rather BCSFA itself. And, speaking on behalf of BCSFA, both Moss and myself grant WCSFA and VCON free and clear use of the Trademark “VCON” for as long as BCSFA owns the Trademark. At some point in the future BCSFA could transfer ownership to WCSFA, but as this will cost money at a time when WCSFA’s priority should be to put VCON on a sound financial basis, it is not a high priority. BCSFA and WCSFA can simply agree to carry on using the same agreement that served us well for decades in the past.

It should be noted Moss Whelan “rescued” the trademark out of concern for the interests of BCSFA, WCSFA, and VCON. He does not wish to be reimbursed for the money he spent to accomplish this. He wishes it be considered his contribution to the future of BCSFA, WCSFA, and VCON.

On behalf of all three organizations, I shout a hearty “Thank you!” to Moss Whelan for this unexpected but pleasing action aimed at the revival of our fannish goals and interests. A wonderful Christmas present to us all!

Forget FB Page! We got a Facebook Group site!

I started up a Facebook page by accident. What I really wanted to start was a Facebook Public Group site. This I have done. All material (photo albums of past VCONs, for example) will be transferred to the Group site. All new material will appear there.

If you are interested in BCSFA and VCON, please check it out at:



FaceBook Page Connected!

Set up a BCSFA Facebook page linking to this site and begun a campaign to get more people involved.

I’ve nominated Moss Whelan to be Chair of BCSFA (filling a position long left vacant). He has accepted.

The December issue of BCSFAzine is available for free download in the back issues section. 70 pages includes an 8-page report on the future of VCON Webinar held recently, a review of the 1975 William Shatner movie “Devil’s Rain,” some 20 pages on Norman G. Browne, who founded the Vancouver SF Society back in 1951, and lots more nifty SF&F stuff.

This site, long dormant because of access difficulties, is now back in operation. Expect frequent postings and an ever-growing accumulation of interesting archive material available for perusal.

God-Editor Returns!

Effective the March 2020 issue I will be taking on the duties of BCSFAzine editor.

My goal is to publish on a timely, monthly basis, combining the best aspects of both a clubzine and a genzine, so as to serve both the members of the club and a broad spectrum of readers throughout fandom.

The “new” BCSFAzine will necessarily start small, but hopefully expand as more and more contributors join in to create an online digital lounge where fannish enthusiasts share their experiences and memories and viewpoints in an entirely personal and friendly manner. In other words, I hope to avoid the rancour and bitterness so freely found on Facebook courtesy of myriad trolls and instead display the true joy of contemporary fandom in all its intriguing aspects. Such is my plan. My first issue will elaborate on my intentions. Stay tuned.